Developers Needed

The existing PHP based Web GUI that is packaged with the SellaNMS backend will be removed within one of the SellaNMS 2.x releases and will no longer be maintained by the primary development team, so we're looking for someone willing to take up development of a Web GUI. We would like to see a PHP/AJAX Web GUI, but we'd leave that up to the developers.
If you're interested in picking up development on a Web GUI, please join thedevelopment mailing list and contact us. We can supply support to the new development team via email and IM. Additionally, we can supply a CVS repository, backups, bug tracking, formus and development platform, if needed.
If you're interested in picking up development on a Web GUI, please join thedevelopment mailing list and contact us. We can supply support to the new development team via email and IM. Additionally, we can supply a CVS repository, backups, bug tracking, formus and development platform, if needed.